
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Colloquium on Games of Strategy: Chapter 6

Click here to directly download the MP3

Click here to watch the unedited version on Youtube

Welcome to the Colloquium on Games of Strategy.  Games of Strategy is a textbook on game theory written by Dixit (not the game), Skeath, and Reiley that we are reading to help improve our analysis of board games and board game design.  Paul Owen (owns 3rd edition) and I (own the 2nd and 1st editions) record a discussion about a chapter or two from the book every few weeks.

In the sixth episode we talk about games that combine simultaneous and sequential move games as well as about strategically switching between the game types.  Highlights include a discussion on how players can drastically change a game outcome outcome by sutley switching a game from a simultaneous game to a sequential game or vice versa.

Below is a link the Sumo Wrestling paper brought up in the discussion.

You can find our previous discussion on Games of Strategy here.

You can find our next discussion on Games of Strategy here.